The Schrader Group has been marketing homes in the San Antonio area for more than 42 years and will devise a marketing plan specifically for your home. We provide complimentary professional home staging to distinguish your home from the competition, professional HDR photography and will prominently display a yard sign to advertise your home for sale. In addition, your home will be marketed utilizing both digital and print marketing strategies to reach buyers locally and nationally.

home pricing

Anything will sell at the right price and is a key aspect to marketing your home. Professional appraisers sum up their entire body of knowledge in three words: “Buyers make value.” Your home is worth as much as a buyer will pay for it.

If your home has been on the market for months, it’s a clear message that the property may not be worth what you are asking. This is particularly true if there haven’t been many prospective buyers setting up showings to view the home. What you do at that point depends on whether you really need to sell, and whether you are working with a time limit.

Developing a plan with your REALTOR® to gradually reduce the price may be needed to attract buyers. Anything will sell at the right price.


It is imperative that your home is always ready for showings while for sale. To prepare your home for viewing, make it as bright, clean, cheerful and serene as possible. Always look at your home from the buyer’s point of view. It is best to always be absent while the house is being shown to prospective buyers, because your presence will inhibit their actions and conversations.

Tips for showing:

Open all curtains and blinds to let in the light.
Replace any burned out light bulbs and turn on all lights.
Clear all clutter.
Clear all countertops.
Wash and put away any dirty dishes.
Put fresh towels in the bathroom.
Take any laundry out of the washer and dryer.
Leave the house so the REALTOR® showing your home is free to work with prospective buyers in a professional manner.
Remove pets from the home or put them in cages.